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N.O. demolishes another “Dirty Dozen” blighted property

The property on Sandra Drive, owned by Joshua Bruno, is part of the City of New Orleans's list of problematic blighted properties called the “Dirty Dozen.”

NEW ORLEANS — “This property has been plaguing the Algiers community for almost a decade. It's been plaguing the city as a whole for almost a decade. And today starts the day of the demolition.”

That is what New Orleans Councilmember Freddie King III said at a press conference as demolition crews began the process of tearing down the 17 blighted structures of DeGaulle Manor in Algiers on Wednesday.

The property on Sandra Drive, owned by Joshua Bruno, is part of the City of New Orleans's list of problematic blighted properties called the “Dirty Dozen.”

The property has been the site of crime, squatters, and public trash dumping.

Director of the Department of Code Enforcement Anthony Davis says Bruno’s DeGaulle Manor is guilty of 15 code violations, fined $7,000, and has been vacant for 14 years.

“So hopefully today, this will give the community some form of relief. And we look forward to the better days for this community,” said Davis.

Davis also said DeGaulle Manor is currently in litigation and is the second blighted property on the city’s “Dirty Dozen” list to be demolished by the city.

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